Thursday, January 23, 2020
The Black Soldiers :: essays research papers
The Black Soldiers by C.J. Blake All through our country’s history, African Americans have had to choose whether they were meant to live in the States or if they should go live somewhere else. Slavery without a doubt had a strong impact on their decisions. Despite the troubles African Americans have had, they made a great contribution and a very big impact on our military and armed forces since the Revolutionary War. The black man has fought against his country's wars, and he has also fought the war with their country to gain the right to fight and the right to freedom. America's first war was the war for independence from Great Britain was a major achievement. This accomplishment could not have been done if it was not for the African American soldiers in the armies. The first American to actually shed blood during the revolution that freed America from being under British rule was Crispus Attucks, a Black seaman. Attucks and four white men were killed in the Boston Massacre on March 5, 1770. Attucks was still willing to fight against England along with other whites, althoug he was a fugitive slave running from his master. The colonists probably would have kept African Americans out of the military during the war if it was not for the proclamation by the Lord of Dunmore. He said "I do hereby... declare all... Negroes... free, that are able and willing to bear arms, they joining his Majesty's troops, as soon as may be, for the more speedily reducing this colony to a proper dignity." This meant that if any black man was willing to fight for the British they would become legally free. Then, the Americans could not afford to not let black men from joining the army. After that General George Washington officially reversed his policy about letting "free Negroes to enlist." "Of the 300,000 men that served in the Continental American Army during the War of Independence, about five thousand were Black. In addition to several all-Black companies, there was also an all-Black regiment was from Rhode Island. Between 1775 to 1781 there were no battles without Black soldiers. African American soldiers defended for the colonies at Lexington, Ticonderoga, Concord, Benington, White Plains, Saratoga, Brandywine, Savannah, and Yorktown. There were two Blacks with George Washington on the day he crossed the Delaware River on Christmas Day in 1776. Unfortunately despite African Americans' help to the war effort and the large
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
MBA Industry and Porter’s Five Forces Essay
MBA Industry: The MBA school industry includes universities and colleges that offer academic courses and grant graduate degrees. The general requirement for admission is a bachelor’s degree and GMAT ® scores. Some schools and programs also require prior employment experience. Instruction is typically provided on physical campuses, although online education and other unconventional approaches are gaining popularity. For purposes of this paper, for-profit institutions or community colleges are not included in the industry definition. The major forces that affect MBA market are: competition between public and private business schools, buyers of business education including both students and employers, faculty as the key suppliers to the industry, and substitutes in the forms of alternative means of delivering graduate business education. Porter suggests that evaluation of these forces will provide insights into the prospects for long-range profitability1. Competition: The MBA m arket in the United States is an unregulated industry that allows schools to develop their own distinctive styles and personalities, and to define their own missions5. B-Schools consider it their mission to educate and research, but face intense pressure of managing faculty issues, finding new funding sources and distinguishing themselves from competitors9, highlighting the most prominent areas within this category: cost, revenues, and reputation. Reputation is differentiated by rankings and accreditations, specializations and regional focus and flexibility10. Rankings drive how students, faculty, and employers perceive the MBA program. In turn, how students, faculty, and employers perceive the MBA program drives rankings, resulting in developing a brand name for universities, leading schools to expend vast resources in pursuit of being highly ranked or even ranked at all8. The significant costs associated with business education have left room for competitive entry by low cost providers. B-Schools now face the reality that they must compete with the low-cost providers who can turn a profit because they are not burdened with the high fixed costs of the â€Å"bricks and mortar†university4. As tuition alone will not cover the costs of running an MBA program, funding is usually sourced from donations from alumni. Most successful schools are usually ones backed by alumni that are willing and able to give back to their alma maters. Suppliers: The most important suppliers to the MBA industry are the business school faculty who fill the teaching, research, and administrative roles with any MBA program. There is an increasing demand for qualified business faculty, while simultaneously there is a stagnating or decreasing supply of such faculty. As the pool of high quality, freshly minted Ph.D.’s is diminishing; competition for associate and assistant professors is increasing. Institutions that can afford to bid are becoming more aggressive in recruiting faculty from other schools, inflating salaries beyond what some can afford10. Rising salaries for new hires has encouraged experienced faculty to move to different institutions to receive pay raises of their own, and thus the market continues to stay extremely competitive. Buyers: The buyers of graduate management education are either the students, employers, or both. With respect to the power of student as buyers, both the MBA programs and the students possess some leverage. There is obviously significant demand for the MBA degree from students because they believe that it will enable them to receive greater opportunities in their career, receive a higher salary, or launch them into a new career7. Employer preferences have a significant effect on market for MBAs. The employer’s demand for MBAs dictates the job availability and salary range, which is proportional to demand for MBAs. Employers are always seeking the best value to raise their company’s performance by enhancing employees’ abilities. What employers define as â€Å"benefit,†however, can range from training, which raises employee efficiency to higher-level education, which emphasizes critical thinking and complex problem solving skills. Substitutes: Most participants do not enter to challenge industry leaders but to offer tailored programs that appeal to sub -sets of their prospective students. Top-ranked business schools have little need to worry about substitutes. Consumer demand for the â€Å"Top brand MBA†will always outpace the supply. The same threat to mid and lower tier schools, however, is real. The online and distance learning schools target the same students that would otherwise attend these schools forcing the lower tiered schools to diversify their offerings6. Barriers to Entry: The main barriers to entry for new entrants in MBA industry are infrastructure costs, attracting and retaining good faculty, and gaining accreditation for courses. Schools must have a solid reputation to charge more tuition to attract students and afford good professors that produce strong results among students. Furthermore, it can cost a significant amount of capital to perform research projects, which enable a school to build specialized facilities and can also contribute to a strong reputation. While public schools rely on public funds for financial aid, a large endowment is essential for many institutions.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Health Promotion And Disease Prevention - 996 Words
Health promotion and disease prevention encompass many similar contributing factors. Disease prevention is often defined as a medical based model targeting a person’s biology not the person as a whole and focuses on maintaining one’s health (Tengland, 2010). Where health promotion involves activities of wellbeing and the goal is to improve the bodies state of health (Tengland, 2010). Although these two concepts may be approached and implemented differently behavioral risk factors play major roles in defining and managing both professional activities. Today chronic illness not infectious disease, is the largest cause of death in the United States (U.S.) (Knickman Kover, 2015, p. 120). The leading preventable diseases in the U.S. are cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus type 2, cancer, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (Hancock Cooper, 2011). Lifestyle changes can have a profound effect on preventable chronic illnesses by understanding the behavioral ri sk factors. The World Health Organization (WHO) list four behavioral risk factors; tobacco use, alcohol misuse or risky drinking, physical activity, and diet and obesity for the population goals to reduce preventable disease (Knickman Kover, 2015, p. 122). This essay will focus on physical activity effecting the state of Georgia using the population based intervention model, by looking into upstream, midstream, and downstream interventions. To provide a well-structured intervention model for theShow MoreRelatedHealth Promotion And Disease Prevention871 Words  | 4 PagesChronic disease is one of the leading causes of death. People get a chronic disease because of tobacco use, poor diet, lack of physical activities and host among others things. The question is why we are not taking on the initiative on improving the quality of life by at eliminating the things that causes chronic diseases. Lately, there have been numerous of debates on whether prevention or treatment saves money. 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