Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Health Promotion And Disease Prevention - 996 Words
Health promotion and disease prevention encompass many similar contributing factors. Disease prevention is often defined as a medical based model targeting a person’s biology not the person as a whole and focuses on maintaining one’s health (Tengland, 2010). Where health promotion involves activities of wellbeing and the goal is to improve the bodies state of health (Tengland, 2010). Although these two concepts may be approached and implemented differently behavioral risk factors play major roles in defining and managing both professional activities. Today chronic illness not infectious disease, is the largest cause of death in the United States (U.S.) (Knickman Kover, 2015, p. 120). The leading preventable diseases in the U.S. are cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus type 2, cancer, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (Hancock Cooper, 2011). Lifestyle changes can have a profound effect on preventable chronic illnesses by understanding the behavioral ri sk factors. The World Health Organization (WHO) list four behavioral risk factors; tobacco use, alcohol misuse or risky drinking, physical activity, and diet and obesity for the population goals to reduce preventable disease (Knickman Kover, 2015, p. 122). This essay will focus on physical activity effecting the state of Georgia using the population based intervention model, by looking into upstream, midstream, and downstream interventions. To provide a well-structured intervention model for theShow MoreRelatedHealth Promotion And Disease Prevention871 Words  | 4 PagesChronic disease is one of the leading causes of death. People get a chronic disease because of tobacco use, poor diet, lack of physical activities and host among others things. The question is why we are not taking on the initiative on improving the quality of life by at eliminating the things that causes chronic diseases. Lately, there have been numerous of debates on whether prevention or treatment saves money. Some have argued that the prevention cannot save money, but rather increases the costRead MoreHealth Promotion And Disease Prevention1000 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"Health promotion is an attempt to improve the health status of an individual or community, and is concerned with the prevention of disease, though this is not its only purpose, as health is not merely the absence of disease†( Maben, Clark, 1995, p. 1163). Health prom otion is commonly used term in health care world, and in current society the promotion of health has greater significance, especially with the rise in consumerism. Health promotion is a vital concept for nursing, symbolizing notionsRead MoreHealth Promotion And Disease Prevention1239 Words  | 5 Pagesbe anything wrong with living that way, the US Department of Health and Human Services (Healthy People 2020, 2010) set out to create a program to promote health across all stages of life. That is where Healthy People 2020 comes in. 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